Why Use EDEN?

Why should I consider using EDEN to create my locate requests?


EDEN, Excavation Digging Event Notification, is a program that allows Georgia excavators the convenience of entering their own locate requests with Georgia 811. Locates can be entered and dig numbers obtained without calling Georgia 811 to speak to a CSR. Requests can be entered 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week.


A short training session is required for new EDEN users. Georgia 811 is currently offering training at no cost via short Webinar sessions on a weekly basis, or by request to your Georgia 811 liaison. To view the dates and times of future sessions and to register online,click here.

  • Quicker – entering your own information into EDEN is faster than telling someone over the phone.
  • 24/7/365 – normal locate request creation can take place on your schedule.
    Great for those who work the night shift or come to work early while the call center is closed.
  • Never any hold time when entering locate requests online
  • No limit on the number of locate requests you are able to create online
  • Mapping – It is far easier for you to look at a map and plot the dig site than it is to tell someone else how to find it over the phone. This may also help you in naming the nearest cross street. You will be able to look at the map and verify your information.
  • Choose dig site – you know how to find it faster than telling someone else how to find it
  • Print your tickets as they are complete – no need to go and look for an email later
  • Re-staking is faster on web than calling in
  • Copy tickets for addresses you work at often
    Once you log into EDEN, you can use the Locate Request Manager to select and copy tickets. This will populate the text and you can edit only the info that is needed. Perhaps the work type, or the next address on the same street, etc.. you are also able to save what you have mapped as your dig site
  • Re-staking locate requests online is faster – Once you log into EDEN, you can use the Locate Request Manager to easily select and re-stake your locate requests.
  • Manually saving grids allows you to reuse the same map information for future tickets. There is no need to go back and remap the information if your work is occurring at addresses located close together.
  • If you accidently allow your locate request to expire you can copy the expired request very easily to create your new locate request.
  • In Locate Request Manager you can search for tickets by ticket type, county, city and a number of other search parameters.
  • Before submitting your locate request you can see which members would be notified by your locate request.


Selecting the dig site yourself is easier because you are looking at the map not trying to explain it to someone else.