GA811 Knowledge Base

New Service Area Code

There are times when an existing Georgia 811 utility member has a need for an additional service area code. Some of the reasons may be:

  • An acquisition of a new underground and/or overhead facility.
  • Separate underground and overhead electric facilities from one service area code into two codes.
  • Divide a current service area spatial data into two areas.

To request a new code, email stating that you need a New Service Area Code form and include the reason for the new code.
Below you will find the process of adding a new code to a current membership:

  1. The New Service Area Code request form will be emailed to member.
  2. The member completes the form and emails it back to Member Services.
  3. Member Services receives the form and sets up the new code in the Georgia 811 database.
  4. Member Services will email the member with instructions for them to create the spatial data for the new code.
  5. The member will need to create the spatial data for the new code through Service Area Map Editor and then verify that the data is published overnight.
    Note: If you are splitting the service area map spatial data from an existing service area code, we recommend that you create the map (spatial data) for the new code and tell us to activate the new code before deleting the spatial data from the existing code.
  6. The member must notify Member Services to activate the new code when they are ready to start receiving tickets for the new code.
  7. Once the code has been made active, Member Services will notify the member that the code has been made active and they will start receiving tickets and will need to respond to them via PRIS.

If you have any questions, please contact our Member Services Department at or 770-623-5786.

What are your feelings
Updated on August 15, 2024