The Georgia Overhead Law (O.C.G.A. § 46-3-30), also known as the High Voltage Safety Act, serves to prevent injury to persons and property and interruptions of utility service resulting from accidental or inadvertent contact with high-voltage electric lines. The Act requires anyone doing work that may come within 10 feet of an overhead high voltage electric line (750 volts and above) to notify Georgia 811 at least 72 hours in advance of such work (excluding weekends and holidays). Take this quick 5-minute training to increase awareness about overhead high-voltage safety procedures.
The updated Georgia Underground Marking Standards (PSC Rule 515-9-4.14) went into effect on January 11, 2024. Georgia 811 provides free online Marking Standards training that includes these updates. This information is also included as part of the Georgia 811 Damage Prevention Competent Person training. Registration for that training can be found below.
* This training is available in Spanish.
Safe digging stakeholders throughout the state are encouraged to take the easily accessible online training to ensure their proficiency of safe digging methods in Georgia.
Each section takes between five and ten minutes to complete, with the entire training lasting approximately one hour. After each section, there is a brief quiz to assess excavator understanding of the training topics. At the completion of the training, excavators will receive a completion certificate.
The free training covers seven different educational topics in the following order: